This three part post is based on original theoretical research presented in my book, Unraveling the Universe’s Mysteries, 2012, Louis A. Del Monte (available at Amazon
The empirical evidence demonstrates that time dilates, slows down, by adding kinetic energy or gravitational energy. Does this help us interpret the Existence Equation Conjecture we have developed to determine the kinetic energy of a mass as it moves in the fourth dimension? Yes! However, the interpretation is going to be speculative and imaginative. With this caveat, here is one interpretation: Movement in the fourth dimension is associated with existence, and requires negative kinetic energy. This is similar to the positive kinetic energy required for movement in the typical three spatial dimensions. The difference is movement in the three spatial coordinates requires positive kinetic energy, while movement in the fourth spatial coordinate (existence) requires enormous negative energy, as suggested by the Existence Equation Conjecture (KEX4 = -.3mc2). When we add kinetic energy or gravitational energy to a particle, we feed the negative energy that it requires to exist with the positive kinetic energy or gravitational energy. The negative kinetic energy of existence may be syphoning a portion of its energy from the particle. For a relatively small unstable particle at rest, such as a muon, we describe this existence as the expected life of the particle. If we add kinetic or gravitational energy to the particle, the negative kinetic energy of existence consumes less of the particle. Therefore, it increases its life.
This theoretical interpretation appears to fit the evidence presented regarding time dilation. For example, a muon at rest has an expected life in the order of 10-6 seconds. However, when muons naturally form via comic-ray collisions with our atmosphere, the resultant muon travels at speeds close to the speed of light before it reaches the ground. Therefore, its kinetic energy (KE) becomes extremely high. According to this interpretation, this high kinetic energy is providing the muon a portion of the energy required to exist. Therefore, it is increasing its expected life. This is consistent with the Rossi and Hall experiment performed in 1941, and the 1963 Frisch and Smith confirmation of their findings.
What does this suggest about the nature of time? According to our interpretation above, time is a measure of existence—and existence requires negative kinetic energy. Therefore, a relationship between time and energy exists. Is this too far out to be believable? I agree it stretches credibility to the limit. However, although the special theory of relativity has provided excellent equations to calculate time dilation, insight into the physical process behind time dilation remains elusive. The Existence Equation Conjecture may provide a framework to understand the actual physics behind time dilation.
It’s still a dilemma. Where does the energy come from if existence requires negative energy? A simple examination of the Existence Equation Conjecture suggests the energy required for even a small mass, like an apple, to exist, would be equivalent to a nuclear bomb. In addition to that dilemma, the Existence Equation Conjecture suggests the energy expended to exist is negative. Theoretical physics has postulated the existence of negative energy. In 1930, the Dirac sea was postulated to reconcile the negative-energy quantum states, as predicted by Dirac in his mathematical modeling of electrons. However, science has not found a way to create negative energy. Currently, scientists are exploring the Casimir-Polder effect as a potential generator for negative energy. This may eventually yield fruitful results. This leaves us with a significant unanswered question. Where does the enormous negative energy required for existence come from?
Stay tuned for part 3 (conclusion).
probably that is the Dark energy ?