One question comes up frequently, is time real? In other words, is time a true physical entity or is it a mental construct? Philosophers have been pondering the nature of time for thousands of years. A philosophy of time weaves through almost every ancient culture. For example, the earliest view of the nature of time by a Western philosopher dates back to ancient Egypt and the Egyptian philosopher Ptahhotep (2650–2600 BCE). Indian philosophers and Hindu philosophers also wrote about time dating back to roughly the same period. The ancient Greek philosophers, such as Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Plato, wrote essays about the nature of time roughly around 500 BCE to 350 BCE.
Many early writers questioned the nature of time, the cause of time, and the unidirectional flow of time, often referred to as the “arrow of time.” One of the most interesting aspects when studying the philosophy of time is that some cultures, like the Incas, dating back to about the thirteenth century, considered space and time woven together. Centuries before Einstein published his now-famous special theory of relativity, which scientifically unified space and time (i.e., spacetime), the Incas philosophically unified space and time into a single concept called “pacha.”
As delineated above, philosophers have debated the nature of time for over 2500 years. The result of this debate has left us with three principal theories, listed below in no particular order
1) Presentists Theory of Time—The “presentists” philosophers argue that present objects and experiences are real. The past and future do not exist. This would argue that time is an emerging concept, and exists in our minds.
2) Growing-Universe Theory of Time—The “growing-universe” philosophers argue that the past and present are real, but the future is not. Their reasoning is the future has not occurred. Therefore, they reason the future is indeterminate, and not real.
3) Eternalism Theory of Time—The “eternalism” philosophers believe that there are no significant differences among present, past, and future because the differences are purely subjective. Observers at vastly different distances from an event would observe it differently because the speed of light is finite and constant. The farthest-away observer may be seeing the birth of a star while the closest observer may be seeing the death of the same star. In effect, the closest observer is seeing what will be the future for the farthest-away observer.
Let look at how the above theories address the question, is time real? The “presentists” philosophers would argue time is not a true physical entity, but rather a concept of our minds. The “growing-universe” philosophers would argue that only the past and present are real. The “eternalism” philosophers would argue that there are no significant differences among present, past, and future because the differences are purely subjective. Their philosophy rests on Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Essentially, the special theory of relativity holds that the past, present, and future are functions of the speed and position of an observer. In effect, this philosophy argues time is real, but subjective. This brings us to the question, what does science have to say about the reality of time?
From a practical standpoint, the science of time started with Isaac Newton (1642–1727) in the seventeenth century. Newton thought of time as an absolute. He believed that time passed uniformly, even in the absence of change. From Newton’s point of view, any event that occurs at a single point in time occurs simultaneously for all observers, regardless of their position or relative motion. Newton’s view of time as an absolute became a cornerstone of classical physics and prevailed until the early part of the twentieth century.
It is important to mention that Newton’s view of time was likely influenced by Galileo, a brilliant Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. Galileo and Newton never met in person, since Galileo died the same year Newton was born, 1642. However, there appears little doubt that Newton’s science of time was significantly influenced by Galileo’s 1638 Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche (Discussions on Uniform Motion), since Newton’s and Galileo’s views of time are essentially identical.
The science of time underwent dramatic changes early in the twentieth century, when a little-known patent examiner published a paper in the Annalen der Physik in 1905. The paper contained no references, quoted no authority, and had relatively little in the way of mathematical formulation. The writing style was unconventional for a scientific paper, relying on thought experiments combined with verbal commentary. No one suspected that the world of science was about to be changed forever. The little-known patent examiner was twenty-six-year-old Albert Einstein. The paper was on the special theory of relativity, which quietly led to the scientific unification of space and time, and the scientific realization that mass is equivalent to energy. The ink of this one paper rewrote the science of time.
This view of time holds to this day. Most of the scientific community agrees that the most accurate definition of time requires integration with the three normal spatial dimensions (i.e., height, width, and length). Therefore, the scientific community talks in terms of spacetime, especially in the context of relativity, where the event or observer may be moving near the speed of light relative to each another.
Based on Einstein’s spacetime integration, we can argue that time is a physically real aspect of reality. Let us consider an example. A clock moving close to the speed of light will appear to run slower to an observer at rest (one frame of reference) relative to the moving clock (another frame of reference). In simple terms, time is not an absolute, but is dependent on the relative motion of the event and observer. It may sound like science fiction that a clock moving at high velocity runs slower, but it is a widely verified science fact. Even the clock on a jet plane flying over an airport will run slightly slower than the clock at rest in the airport terminal. Einstein predicted this time dilation effect in his special theory of relativity, and he derived an equation to calculate the time difference. Other physical factors affect time. For example, another scientific fact is that a clock in a strong gravitational field will run slower than a clock in a weak gravitational field. Einstein predicted this time dilation effect in his general theory of relativity.
While we can argue that time is real, not a mental construct, there is no consensus on the scientific definition of time. Instead, science describe how time behaves during an interval, a change in time. Science is unable to point to an entity and say “that is time.” The reason for this is that time is not a single entity, but scientifically an interval. We cannot slice time down to a shadowlike sliver, a dimensionless interval. In fact, scientifically speaking, the smallest interval of time that science can theoretically define, based on the fundamental invariant aspects of the universe, is Planck time.
In part 2 of this post, we will discuss Planck time and a new concept, the time uncertainty principle.