Almost the entire scientific community has held for hundreds of years that for every effect, there must have been a cause. Another way of saying this is cause precedes effect. For example, if you hit a nail with a hammer (the cause), you can drive it deeper into the wood (the effect). However, some recent experiments are challenging that belief. We are discovering that what you do after an experiment can influence what occurred at the beginning of the experiment. This would be the equivalent of the nail going deeper into the wood prior to it being hit by the hammer. This is termed reversed causality. Although, there are numerous new experiments that illustrate reverse causality, science has been struggling with a classical experiment called the “double-slit” that illustrates reverse causality for well over half a century.
There are numerous versions of the double-slit experiment. In its classic version, a coherent light source, for example a laser, illuminates a thin plate containing two open parallel slits. The light passing through the slits causes a series of light and dark bands on a screen behind the thin plate. The brightest bands are at the center, and the bands become dimmer the farther they are from the center. See image below to visually understand this.
The series of light and dark bands on the screen would not occur if light were only a particle. If light consisted of only particles, we would expect to see only two slits of light on the screen, and the two slits of light would replicate the slits in the thin plate. Instead, we see a series of light and dark patterns, with the brightest band of light in the center, and tapering to the dimmest bands of light at either side of the center. This is an interference pattern and suggests that light exhibits the properties of a wave. We know from other experiments—for example, the photoelectric effect (see glossary), which I discussed in my first book, Unraveling the Universe’s Mysteries—that light also exhibits the properties of a particle. Thus, light exhibits both particle- and wavelike properties. This is termed the dual nature of light. This portion of the double-slit experiment simply exhibits the wave nature of light. Perhaps a number of readers have seen this experiment firsthand in a high school science class.
The above double-slit experiment demonstrates only one element of the paradoxical nature of light, the wave properties. The next part of the double-slit experiment continues to puzzle scientists. There are five aspects to the next part.
- Both individual photons of light and individual atoms have been projected at the slits one at a time. This means that one photon or one atom is projected, like a bullet from a gun, toward the slits. Surely, our judgment would suggest that we would only get two slits of light or atoms at the screen behind the slits. However, we still get an interference pattern, a series of light and dark lines, similar to the interference pattern described above. Two inferences are possible:
- The individual photon light acted as a wave and went through both slits, interfering with itself to cause an interference pattern.
- Atoms also exhibit a wave-particle duality, similar to light, and act similarly to the behavior of an individual photon light described (in part a) above.
- Scientists have placed detectors in close proximity to the screen to observe what is happening, and they find something even stranger occurs. The interference pattern disappears, and only two slits of light or atoms appear on the screen. What causes this? Quantum physicists argue that as soon as we attempt to observe the wavefunction of the photon or atom, it collapses. Please note, in quantum mechanics, the wavefunction describes the propagation of the wave associated with any particle or group of particles. When the wavefunction collapses, the photon acts only as a particle.
- If the detector (in number 2 immediately above) stays in place but is turned off (i.e., no observation or recording of data occurs), the interference pattern returns and is observed on the screen. We have no way of explaining how the photons or atoms know the detector is off, but somehow they know. This is part of the puzzling aspect of the double-slit experiment. This also appears to support the arguments of quantum physicists, namely, that observing the wavefunction will cause it to collapse.
- The quantum eraser experiment—Quantum physicists argue the double-slit experiment demonstrates another unusual property of quantum mechanics, namely, an effect termed the quantum eraser experiment. Essentially, it has two parts:
- Detectors record the path of a photon regarding which slit it goes through. As described above, the act of measuring “which path” destroys the interference pattern.
- If the “which path” information is erased, the interference pattern returns. It does not matter in which order the “which path” information is erased. It can be erased before or after the detection of the photons.
This appears to support the wavefunction collapse theory, namely, observing the photon causes its wavefunction to collapse and assume a single value.
If the detector replaces the screen and only views the atoms or photons after they have passed through the slits, once again, the interference pattern vanishes and we get only two slits of light or atoms. How can we explain this? In 1978, American theoretical physicist John Wheeler (1911–2008) proposed that observing the photon or atom after it passes through the slit would ultimately determine if the photon or atom acts like a wave or particle. If you attempt to observe the photon or atom, or in any way collect data regarding either one’s behavior, the interference pattern vanishes, and you only get two slits of photons or atoms. In 1984, Carroll Alley, Oleg Jakubowicz, and William Wickes proved this experimentally at the University of Maryland. This is the “delayed-choice experiment.” Somehow, in measuring the future state of the photon, the results were able to influence their behavior at the slits. In effect, we are twisting the arrow of time, causing the future to influence the past. Numerous additional experiments confirm this result.
Let us pause here and be perfectly clear. Measuring the future state of the photon after it has gone through the slits causes the interference pattern to vanish. Somehow, a measurement in the future is able to reach back into the past and cause the photons to behave differently. In this case, the measurement of the photon causes its wave nature to vanish (i.e., collapse) even after it has gone through the slit. The photon now acts like a particle, not a wave. This paradox is clear evidence that a future action can reach back and change the past.
To date, no quantum mechanical or other explanation has gained widespread acceptance in the scientific community. We are dealing with a time travel paradox that illustrates reverse causality (i.e., effect precedes cause), where the effect of measuring a photon affects its past behavior. This simple high-school-level experiment continues to baffle modern science. Although quantum physicists explain it as wavefunction collapse, the explanation tends not to satisfy many in the scientific community. Irrefutably, the delayed-choice experiments suggest the arrow of time is reversible and the future can influence the past.
This post is based on material from my new book, How to Time Travel, available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions.
Image: Figure 3, from How to Time Travel (2013)
Very Interesting,
“Very Interesting” ..
Interesting, that’s the holy grail of everything. You figure the above, you will be tthe most famous human that ever walked this planet. Even Plato would come a second fiddle to you. Einstein, Newton and Darwin will be but mere shadows in history, you have no idea how important this is lol 🙂
If you imagine that all the “Physical Universe”(all within the 3 dimensional) is moving backward through time away from our static conciousness or….and it makes me cringe to use the word but…..”soul” assuming that this essence of our being resides in another dimension of STC (so to speak using as close to, the language derived from current theories) then quantum behaviour makes perfect sense along with many other paradox situations noticed and theorised by current theories.
I don’t understand. Could you explain in more detail and give examples?
imagine our conciousness as either a constant fixed entity within time or moving equally in the opposite direction from the PMR (physical matter reality) along the time line. One going forward through time (or being fixed) and most importantly, the other (PMR) going backwards, then to our conciousness it would seem as though the universe and our very bodies are aging. Also light coming to our eyes would actually be radiating out hence creating/rendering/collapsing quantum wave functions into reality, not for our purpose as this reality since coming from, already exists within our “minds” it is incorporated into the reality of all others connected to us and is for them to receive and interact with just as we do. This is perhaps and i’m leaping to conclusions here but perhaps is the function of the pineal gland being the transmitter and creater of the PMR reality we interact with just as it is the creater of the reality we are in when we dream…. well in each case the facilitator for creation by releasing DMT within the brain (see research on the pineal gland and DMT production). This would also explain phenomena such as mass hallucinations or even miracles depending on which ridiculous dogma or sceptisism you subscribe to when if fact it is all just plain science where if enough people together in the same mindset being a greater force than all other concious entities currently connected to the same quantum wave function of their combined possibilities of probable “future/s” Anyway i got a little side tracked as i just realised the previous stated proof mass hysteria, haha and had to get it down :). I was initially leading to the proof of the experiments done where a patient of a brain operation would be pricked on the finger and have the brain response be instantanious whereas stimulation directly to that area of the brain created a delay. I see this as the distance between the finger and the brain creating a lag that is traveling back in time relative to our conciousness. Therefore when our conciousness registers it, it is instantanious.
I have many more extentions and variations and most importantly proofs for my theory which is a slight extention of relativity just with a few tweaks to incorporate how quantum interactions and “paranormal” phenomena fit in. It can even explain how christianity and possibly all religeons are correct but having been an avid athiest all my life until i developed this theory a few weeks ago i’m treading slowly down that path and feeling like a dupe the whole way but nevertheless it is a possibility but not of course in the way that the hope craving fearfull sad creatures of today think it is.
I only recently became obsessed with these topics about 3 months ago when for the first time i heard of the double slit test and am still infuriated and perplexed why i was not taught this in primary school. Instantly i knew it was the answer to free will with ourselves being the measurent devices etc. I also instantly knew that this could provide some answers to purpose or meaning for us, or at least me, and if it is simply an endless journey of learning with no culmination of a life defining purpose………well you know what they say about journeys and destinations. In any case it has evolved myself intillectually, emotionally and “spiritually”. I will continue and would love any feedback, that is why i posted this, just on the off chance someone could examine my theories and either say “that’s interesting” etc etc. or perhaps just tell me i’m way off because of ……………….. I cannot do the math to prove any of this, in fact i am terrible at math but have always been able to instinctively know the way the math works as a process in whole.
Oh and by the way i think it may be possible that time is not an “entity” or dimension of itself in the singular whether spacial or otherwise but i am currently working on proving it is the opposition subset to our 3D spacial dimensions also being 3D and acting like the 3D spacial dimensions and of course overlapped with them, only not interacting directly as such with matter, but with quantum wave functions and if so then perhaps all the dark matter in the universe is all the possible matter that will or has existed. in the way that the universe has pre assigned it to that space we are detecting it in. this also leads to many other thoughts such as perhaps black holes are the links to this other 3D subset of dimensions and are simply recycling the matter from here to there where it will be used again when the “time line” coinsides as such. but to be honest i usually make up and develop a good percentage of my theories as i write them as i have done here. I just wanted to know if i was on to something new or if this is all old hat thought of and discarded ideas. To satisfy my ego due to the fear someone may steal my work i make proofs of the dates of developement of each idea HAHA. but still expect it’s nothing unique but i would love to know either way and know the best sources of more information on what i am right or wrong about. Thankyou and I look forward to a response.
Could you help me with one point? In section 2 it is written “Scientists have placed detectors in close proximity to the screen … as soon as we attempt to observe the wavefunction of the photon or atom, it collapses”. Now, what happens if the detector is left in place and switched on, perhaps displaying its output on a remote console somewhere, but there is only one scientist and he can only look at either the detector output console or at the main experiment plate at any one time. When he is looking at the main plate, the detector may be switched on but nobody is looking at its output. What happens then? Does the main plate show an interference pattern or not?
Excellent question. As long as there is no recording or looking at the output of the detector, the detector can be on and there will be a wave pattern on the screen. In other words, the wave function only collapses under scrutiny. How does the wavefunction know when the detector is recording or when someone is looking at the detector results, no one knows. It is a fundamental mystery of quantum mechanics. I use the double slit experiment as an example of reverse causality. As long as you don’t look at or record the detector results, it never enters your world-line (i.e., Einstein’s four dimensional equivalent to a timeline). The implication is that time paradoxes can occur in two ways, not just one. Something in the past can influence the future (i.e., causality), and something in the future can change the past (i.e., reverse causality).
“As long as you don’t look at or record the detector results”
What happens if you record the results on a system that cannot be observed by a consciousness, then delete parts before it is ever seen ie. embed a binary pattern in the recorded stream BEFORE a consciousness observes the results, will the binary pattern propagate back through time?
Check out for more insight and a potential answer to your question.
Just to pursue my thread for a second, the next step of course is for the detector output to be displayed on a small screen right next to the one showing what I referred to as the “main plate”. I propose a small screen because the scientist must be able to cover it from his view, say with a card. The implication of what has gone before is that if he covers the small screen then he sees an interference pattern on the main plate, and if he uncovers it then the interference disappears. Now, I fully understand that we have to suspend disbelief when addressing this subject, but I really would like to see this experiment for myself. Does anybody know if it is set up anywhere for the public to see, for example in a Science Museum?
Like I said if wave functions move forward through time and collapsed matter moves in the reverse, or the opposing forces give rise to time. then the paradox is solved and also explains how the overlaying multiple dimensions through subjective experience can create feedback loops giving rise to consciousness through thought processes such as memory (feedback loop of past to present), comparison (loop of present becoming past then back to present). It solves the paradox and questions of numerous other unexplained phenomena. It seems obvious to me, but if I am completely wrong please explain why so I can further my understanding. I received no feedback previously.
Hi, Michael Giannakakos. I liked your way of interpretation to a phenomena but your description is vague. I would love to read a more descriptive (no mathematical equations required) and clear expression of your ideas. If you like, we can discuss and grow your ideas into a journal. I am an engineer and working on my own idea for a better explanation of reality.You can message at
About 6 weeks ago, perhaps earlier, I came to this very same conclusion. I’ve often wondered about this experiment and with some sudden clarity this notion of ‘reverse causality’ came into my mind and I wondered if it might be at the heart of it. I did a brief search recently on Google and found this page. But I only got a chance to read this last night (when i tried to explain this notion to my son and stumbled over myself). I realised I hadn’t fully read your article and had merely satisfied my curiosity that someone had already come to this ‘times arrow’ conclusion. Not being a scientist I wondered if I had read all of this before somewhere or if I had only just read about it all today — and simply sent the information back 6 weeks to come to my own uninformed conclusions ‘out of the blue’.
You’ve answered my sons question too — could the detector have interfered with the movement of the photons?
I can’t wait to tell him that it reverts if the detector is off.
What a wonderful conundrum to find at the very heart of modern physics. Thank you for this great explanation.