Universe Mysteries

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Universe – Part 1/4

In this series of posts I will explain the fundamental nature of dark matter, dark energy and their relationship to the accelerating universe. Much of what I will discuss comes from my original research delineated in my book, Unraveling the Universe’s …

Original Theories & Concepts Introduced In “Unraveling the Universe’s Mysteries”

In this post, I delineate original theories and concepts, which I first delineated in my book Unraveling the Universe’s Mysteries (2012).  The theories and concepts are the result of original research. To the best of my knowledge, they do not appear in any …

Is All Energy Quantized? – Do We Live In A Quantum Universe? – Part 3/3

Lastly, one element of reality remains to complete our argument that all reality consists of quantized energy—energy itself. Is all energy reducible to quantums? All data suggests that energy in any form consists of quantums. We already discussed that mass, …

Are Space and Time Quantized? – Do We Live In A Quantum Universe? – Part 2/3

Next, let us consider space. Is space quantized? In previous posts, we discussed the theory that a vacuum, empty space, is like a witch’s cauldron bubbling with virtual particles. This theory dates back to Paul Dirac who, in 1930, postulated …

Do We Live In A Quantum Universe? – Part 1/3

The notion that all reality (mass, space, time, and energy) consists of discrete energy quantums is counterintuitive. For example, an electric current consists of individual electrons flowing in a wire. However, you do not notice your television flickering as the …

The Mysterious Nature of Energy

We scientists talk about energy, and derive equations with energy mathematically expressed in the equation as though we understand energy. The fact is: we do not. It is an indirectly observed quantity. We infer its existence. For example, in physics, …

Do We Need M-Theory? Maybe!

Most high school science classes teach the classical view of the atom, incorporating subatomic particles like protons, electrons, and neutrons. This is the particle theory of the atom dating to the early Twentieth Century. In about the 1960s, scientists discovered …

Searching for Potential Alien Artifacts to Establish Proof of their Existence

Similar to the way archaeologists uncover lost civilizations on Earth by analyzing the artifacts left behind, various researchers believe the past presence of advanced aliens could be detected in a similar manner. This is a reasonable approach. It has historically …

Using Wormholes as a Time Machine

Scientists have proposed using “wormholes” as a time machine. A wormhole is a theoretical entity in which space-time curvature connects two distant locations (or times). Although we do not have any concrete evidence that wormholes exist, we can infer their …

Searching for Radio Emissions from Advanced Aliens

Since our discovery of the radio in 1895, we have been beaming radio transmissions into space. Most scientists believe the invention of the radio and radio telescopes would be a natural technological evolution by any intelligent life. Therefore, it would …

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War at the Speed of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare

War At The Speed Of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare

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Genius Weapons: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Weaponry, and the Future of Warfare

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Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity

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The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us?

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us?

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