Artificial Intelligence

Is a Terminator-style robot apocalypse a possibility?

The short answer is “unlikely.” When the singularity occurs (i.e., when strong artificially intelligent machines exceed the combined intelligence of all humans on Earth), the SAMs (i.e., strong artificially intelligent machines) will use their intelligence to claim their place at the …

Can We Control the Singularity? Part 2/2 (Conclusion)

Why should we be concerned about controlling the singularity when it occurs? Numerous papers cite reasons to fear the singularity. In the interest of brevity, here are the top three concerns frequently given. Extinction: SAMs will cause the extinction of …

Can We Control the Singularity? Part 1/2

Highly regarded AI researchers and futurists have provided answers that cover the extremes, and everything in between, regarding whether we can control the singularity. I will discuss some of these answers shortly, but let us start by reviewing what is …

When Will an Artificially Intelligent Machine Display and Feel Human Emotions? Part 2/2

In our last post, we raised the question: “Will an intelligent machine ever be able to completely replicate a human mind?” Let’s now address it. Experts disagree. Some experts—such as English mathematical physicist, recreational mathematician, and philosopher Roger Penrose—argue there is …

When Will an Artificially Intelligent Machine Display and Feel Human Emotions? Part 1/2

Affective computing is a relatively new science. It is the science of programming computers to recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human affects. The word “affects” refers to the experience or display of feelings or emotions. While AI has achieved superhuman …

How Do Intelligent Machines Learn?

How and under what conditions is it possible for an intelligent machine to learn? To address this question, let’s start with a definition of machine learning. The most widely accepted definition comes from Tom M. Mitchell, a American computer scientist and …

Artificial Intelligence Interview Podcast

Louis Del Monte on the Tom Barnard Show 7/23 discussing his new book, The Artificial Intelligence Revolution. During the interview we discuss  the future of AI and how it may impact humanity. You can listen to the complete interview at anytime …

Artificial Intelligence Gives Rise to Intelligent Agents – Part 3/3 (Conclusion)

In conclusion, let’s discuss the approaches that researchers pursued using electronic digital programmable computers. From the 1960s through the 1970s, symbolic approaches achieved success at simulating high-level thinking in specific application programs. For example, in 1963, Danny Bobrow’s technical report from MIT’s …

Artificial Intelligence Gives Rise to Intelligent Agents – Part 2/3

In the last post (Part 1/3), we made the point that no unifying theory guides AI research. Researchers disagree among themselves, and we have more questions than answers. Here are two major questions that still haunt AI research. Should AI simulate …

Artificial Intelligence Gives Rise to Intelligent Agents – Part 1/3

The road to intelligent machines has been difficult, filled with hairpin curves, steep hills, crevices, potholes, intersections, stop signs, and occasionally smooth and straight sections. The initial over-the-top optimism of AI founders John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert …

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War at the Speed of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare

War At The Speed Of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare

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Genius Weapons: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Weaponry, and the Future of Warfare

Genius Weapons: Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Weaponry, and the Future of Warfare

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Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity

Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity

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The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us?

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us?

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